Trinity Lutheran Church

Compelled by the grace of God, Trinity Lutheran Church and School forgives, teaches, and serves in the name of Jesus

205 North Main, Hoyleton, Illinois 62803

Sunday School / Bible Class 8:30 a.m.  Sunday Divine Service 9:30 a.m.


Visit our school's web site


Wednesday, February 12 "Funeral for Virgil Spenner" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Service Audio

Sunday, February 9 "Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Bible Class Audio   Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Sunday, February 2 "The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Bible Class Audio   Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Sunday, January 26 "St. Titus, Pastor and Confessor" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Bible Class Audio   Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Sunday, January 19 "The Baptism of Our Lord" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Bible Class Audio   Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Sunday, January 12 "Epiphany Sunday (Observed)" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Bible Class Audio   Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Sunday, January 5, 2025 - Winter storm cancelled services.

This is an edited rebroadcast of the January 8, 2023 Epiphany service. 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Tuesday, December 31 "New Year's Eve Service" 

Service Officiants: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg and Reverend Brett Jones

  Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Sunday, December 29 "First Sunday after Christmas" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Bible Class Audio   Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Wednesday, December 25 "Christmas Day Service" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Tuesday, December 24 "Christmas Eve Service" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Service Audio   Service Video   Jump to Pastor’s Sermon

Sunday, December 22 "Children's Christmas Program" 

Service Officiant: Reverend Nathan Wollenberg

  Service Audio   Service Video
Appointed Readings for February 9, 2025 "Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany"
Introit Collect Gradual Old Testament Reading Epistle Gospel
- - - Next Week - - -